follow url go to link Press release – Friday June 19, 2020

Tramadol Buy Online Dear Friends,
follow link The Association des Rencontres Artistiques de la Rance, organizer of the Festival Eté Musical à Dinan, is pleased to confirm the XIIth edition of the festival from August 3rd to 8th.
After several weeks of consideration in collaboration with the teams of the Dinan City Hall, public authority and privileged partner of the Festival, and with the invited Artists, we have redefined an organization privileging the respect of the sanitary constraints, for the health of the public, the artists and the teams.
The strong reduction of the gauge, imposed in the concert venues, led us, to welcome the maximum of public and with the agreement of the Artists, to split most of the sessions on the same day at 6:00 pm and 9:00 pm, with slightly different works.
In view of the sanitary constraints, the ticketing is exceptionally simplified with a single rate for all of 12€, the Young Talents concerts being in Free Participation. Tickets will be available exclusively at the Tourist Office and at the Librairie Le Grenier from July 1st. There will be no ticketing at concert venues.
The Association would like to thank the Town Hall of DINAN, SPEDIDAM and the Conseil Departemental des Côtes d’Armor, as well as our other partners, for their support in these difficult times.
We look forward to reopening DINAN to Music by welcoming the Public for the emotion of 14 Concerts! See you soon, talk about it around you, and meet the Artists on August 3rd 6:00PM at the Théâtre des Jacobins for the Opening Concert!